Individual Sessions
*Please Note: All our sessions take place at our clinic! We do not offer in-home services! This is NOT a supplemental, after school activity! This is medically necessary ABA Treatment and is comprehensive and intensive in nature. This therapy requires a commitment to service frequency. This is not a once a week service!
Applied Behavior Analysis is a science that can aid in the learning process when teaching skills to children and adults. This science can be applied to any curriculum across many different types of learners. It is not a specific teaching procedure (Discrete Trials) and it can be applied across various domains including language (Verbal Behavior), academics, social skills, self-help skills, and listening skills. At Hudson Valley Behavioral Solutions (HVBS) we include many methodologies to teach while maintaining our ABA perspective. Depending on the learner, instruction may include materials from their classroom, discrete trial instruction, natural environment teaching and creating opportunities to teach challenging skills which may not arise on a regular basis--like coping with disappointment or change.
At HVBS, ABA sessions are tailored to each student's unique learning needs. Sessions take place in our offices. This offers us the greatest amount of control over the environment as well as ensures that all materials necessary for the session are readily available. Sessions are very comprehensive and may require extensive materials. We use the VB-MAPP Assessment (Sundberg, 2008) as well as the AFLS Assessment (Partington & Mueller, 2013) to identify the learner's deficits and build on the strengths. Learners with language deficits spend the majority of the session time learning to develop functional language. This includes building imitation skills, joint attention and engagement. Verbal Behavior is the behavioral term for "language". Verbal Behavior Analysis (VBA) uses ABA to break down language into functional components. By teaching the learner how language functions in their environment, we can help to develop functional communication.
Social Skills are also a challenging for many children. Where many children depend on their social skills to "de-stress", others find that the social domain creates even more anxiety for them. Social Skills are an integral part of ABA sessions at HVBS. Instructors will use a variety of formats including video, role-playing, and feedback to teach discrete social skills that can be applied in many settings.
Parents are considered an important part of the team at HVBS. We need for parents to understand what the learner's goals are and how they can help address them at home and in the community. As such, at the conclusion of each 2-hour session, parents will receive a detailed summary sheet that will clearly show what skills were being addressed during the session and how well their child did exhibiting those skills. Parents will also be given ideas on how to carry over the teaching of some of the skills at home.